Discussing planning issues in Brentford after exhbitions galore

Brentford Community Council meets monthly (10th July) at 7.30pm at The Griffin, Brook Road South.
Developers and others attend regularly to put forward their proposals and planning applications.
The agenda is:
1. Present/Apologies
2. Minutes of Last Meeting: Matters arising.
3. Police Building/Waterman’s Update See exhibitions arranged for Fri 7
July at St Pauls Church Hall 4/8pm and Sat 11am/3pm.
4. Citroen Site: Exhibition: Watermans Sat 8 July 10.30am/4pm.
5. Hudson Square (B&Q site) See BCC 795 and plans on BCC website.
6. Green School for Boys. Exhibition Sat 8 July 10am/2pm and Wed July 12 5/9pm at Green School for Girls.
7. Housing for Northumberland Estate + Allotments in Syon Park: Options after the planning applications were refused.
8. Air Quality Issues in Brentford. (see letter from Prof Mason).
9. £300,000 “giveaway” Holiday Inn 6pm July 13.
10. Bridge Replacement: Nigel Moore.
11. Local List update. Vitas
12. AOB.
13. Dates of Next Meetings August 14, September 11.
Please note there are several important exhibitions BEFORE the BCC meeting.
- Watermans / Police Station revised plans @ St Pauls Church Brentford
Fri, 7 July, 16:00–20:00
- Green School for Boys @ Green School for Girls
Sat, 8 July, 10:00–14:00
- L&Q - Citreon Garage site proposals @ Watermans
Sat, 8 July, 10:30–16:00
- Watermans / Police Station revised plans @ St Pauls Church Brentford
Sat, 8 July, 11:00–15:00
Please attend and bring your papers with you on Monday.
Guests are welcome, please just turn up. Please email chair@brentfordcc.org.uk for further details or view Brentford Community Council website.
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July 5, 2017