BASHR3 organise 3 speakers for Isleworth meeting

The campaign against Heathrow expansion is bursting back to life after the election with a public meeting in Isleworth on Tuesday 18 July.
BASH has three great speakers who can explain the implications of a third runway for you:
Ruth Cadbury – re-elected MP for Brentford & Isleworth and a founding member of BASH (Brentford and Hounslow Stop Heathrow Expansion Caroline Russell – Greater London Assembly Member (Green Party)
John Stewart – Chair of HACAN (Heathrow Association for the Control of Aircraft Noise)
BASH think campaigners have reasons to be optimistic after the election. Theresa May no longer possesses the personal credibility or majority required to be confident of pushing through Heathrow expansion.
BASH therefore believes that if we step up the campaign our chances of preventing a third runway are extremely high.
If you can help leaflet in Isleworth please contact Ian Speed at
Date: Tuesday 18 July, 7.30pm
Venue: St Johns Community Centre, 80 St John's Road, Isleworth, TW7 6RU
A Third Runway Would Mean
- 250,000 more flights, a 47% increase. A new flight path over the borough. Planes approaching
landing every 60-90 seconds over Chiswick, Brentford, Osterley Park and Heston.
- Less relief for people already impacted. The 8 hours noise break communities get under the
existing landing paths will be cut - but by how much?
- Air pollution and traffic problems. 47% more planes mean there will be more cars, vans and lorries on the roads causing more congestion and more pollution.
- More costs to fall on passengers and/or tax-payers. The cost of the new runway is far more than the cost of another runway at Gatwick.
- More safety risk to a more densely populated area than that around Gatwick.
Questions for the Department for Transport
How much more noise will I experience in my home or garden?
Where will the new approach paths be within 6 miles of the runway?
Will the respite periods for the approach to the current runways remain 8 hours or be reduced?
If so, by how much?
How many more cars, vans & lorries will enter/leave the airport? How many will be carrying
passengers, or staff, or freight? How many more for servicing flights?
What increases in road and rail capacity are planned? And who will pay? The taxpayer, or airline
What will be the additional safety risk of a plane catastrophe with a third runway? And how would
the ground-based consequences compare with the consequences for the much less heavily
populated Gatwick area should the worst happen?
How will noise and pollution issues be measured, addressed and mitigated?
What climate change emissions would there be and how would they affect the UK's carbon emissions targets?
What will happen if Heathrow doesn't keep to any of its commitments?
Email your local councillors to tell them of your concerns and ask them to take these up
Syon Ward: Steve Curran , Katherine Dunne Theo Dennison
Isleworth Ward: Sue Sampson Ed Mayne , Linda Green
July 14, 2017