Godson Azu to Stand in General Election |
Representing All People's Party or APP
Godson Azu has been selected by the APP once again to stand as an MP candidate for the Brentford and Isleworth CLP, at the forthcoming general election. He was also selected by the party to stand at the last local election as a councillor for Brentford ward, based on the performance which was encouraging the party is now giving him another chance to make a difference. In his announcement he said: "I am one of you; leaves among you; and together we can make it happen. I believe that my life's experiences, professional expertise, my abilities, skills, political philosophy and understanding of the issues facing our ever growing multi-diverse and complex community uniquely qualify me to be an authentic representative of "We the People" and position me as the best candidate for the next parliament 2015."
"There are some who believe that we need to re-define British politics. I could not disagree more. On the contrary, Britain and its conservatism or socialism need to recommit to the enduring principles of modern politics in which there is an increasing demand for: limited government, free markets, and liberty, personal responsibility and equal opportunity,". "We need to stop acting like there is some shame in holding fast to the middle-ground between neo-conservative or neo-socialist constitutional values and principles!" APP philosophy is hugely driven by the changes in modern British political trends that is calling for equity and justice at all levels. Brining about the main slogan “Equality at the Top” the party when voted into office would fight for an equal opportunity on economic and political representativeness of all the diverse communities from within the Borough and most especially from the Brentford and Isleworth CLP. The party is offering new alternative to old politics and established order, to a more all-inclusive, participatory, equity and political justice. Trading a new path for many people in the minority community to equally make an in-road. Godson is a freelance Social and Public Policy Analyst; Public and Cooperate Governance Adviser, Political Consultant, Social Campaigner and Media Consultant. He studied International and Relation worked with Greggs PLC, for over 7 years, and was a committed union representative/officer with the Bakers Union. He has leaved in the borough of Hounslow for over 10 years and has a good knowledge of the locality. He would be looking forward to meet with members of our local community throughout the length and breadth of the CLP to engage and answer questions that are of great interest and concern; though as a new party we are gradually working out our national policies agenda, which would be our point of engagement focusing mainly on issues such as: The economy: we would be looking at developing local enterprise and community empowerment through an open-economic program. To back the high income 40% tax among those on £55.000 and above, restrict all form of tax avoidance and evasions, increase income tax allowance to £12.500 by 2020, back a 5% pay cut to all top senior government staff. : we would introduce and encourage more business start-ups with greater innovations supporting existing big businesses around, by creating and supporting more business hubs for affordable office spaces and local funding. Reduce international development aid budget by 2020. Would keep supporting the development of a third runway at Heathrow airport as it would create the biggest job and business opportunities within the borough and its environs. Housing: we would oppose the 'bedroom tax'. Introduce a standard rent controls policy that would for rent estimate calculations supporting low and middle income rentals, Insist on written tenancy agreements. Would encourage the construction of 1,000,000 social rentable homes by 2020, paid for by removing the buy-to-let mortgage interest tax allowance. In Brentford and Isleworth there is huge development of housing projects which is sky-rocketing the value of property. February 27, 2015 |