Broadcaster joins pro-cycling group welcoming start of construction at Kew Bridge

(Left to right), Cllr Katherine Dunne, Cllr Guy Lambert, Jeremy Vine and Claudia Wright from contractor CVU
A group of pro-cycling enthusiasts and residents, including Chiswick broadcaster Jeremy Vine, brought breakfast to construction workers who have started building Cycleway 9 at Kew Bridge.
The first part of the project started before Christmas and as well as the cycle path, includes improved pedestrian facilities, including a new pedestrian crossing by Kew Bridge Station.
Michael Robinson, borough coordinator for Hounslow Cycling said, “The South Circular and Kew Bridge junction are currently dominated by motor traffic and are hostile and intimidating to people on bikes and on foot. The new cycleway and pedestrian facilities will be a big improvement.
"We thought the workers building the new scheme should be thanked for helping to keep us all safe so we brought them breakfast and hot drinks for their morning break”.
Claudia Wright from CVU, the contractor doing the building work for TfL added, “The breakfast was very much appreciated by our team and it was a great opportunity to bring our workers and the local community together”.

The start of the cycle highway has caused annoyance to some, with Chiswick councillors opposed to the project getting underway while Hammersmith Bridge is closed. They say it has caused even more congestion on the South Circular, on Kew Bridge and roads around Chiswick.
The Mayor's Walking and Cycling Commissioner Will Norman will be in Chiswick for a public Q and A event on 30 January at 7.30 pm at The Pilot, 56, Wellesley Road W4 4BZ

Will Norman will also be speaking about The Better Neighbourhoods scheme sponsored by the Mayor, which will be centred around Grove Park (Chiswick South) and includes a new piazza and improved walking and cycling facilities.
The event is hosted by Hounslow Cycling Campaign and is free but tickets must be booked on Eventbrite.

CGI of new layout near Kew Bridge
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January 22, 2020