'Scarface' youth in brutal assault

Victim's asthma pump stolen outside the Green School

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A 16 year old boy was the victim of a savage and unprovoked assault outside the Green School on London Road last Tuesday (15th February). At around 7.30pm he was standing at a bus stop when a gang of around 10-15 youths surrounded him. He felt a blow to the back of his head and when he turned around he was struck again on the side of the face. A third blow rendered him
temporarily unconscious.

His attacker is described as being a black male of slim buildwith a narrow nose and a distinctive scar around his left eye. He was wearing a greay 'Academic' track suit.

The victim had his mobile phone stolen - a white and grey Nokia 7610 - as well as £7 in cash, his bus pass and an asthma pump.

If you have any information about this incident you are asked to contact PC Alexis Hall on 020
8247 5940.

Feb 23 2005