Five minute survey that goes towards future strategy

High quality, connected green spaces such as parks, play spaces and other public open green spaces are important for people’s health and wellbeing, wildlife and supporting the local economy.
The council has commissioned management consultancy Knight, Kavanagh & Page (KKP) to carry out an open space assessment in the area, which will result in the production of borough-wide Open Space strategy.
The council would like to know your views on the type, amount, quality and access to green spaces. This looks at:
- Local park or gardens: often well designed sites of high quality with opportunities for informal recreation and community events
- Country park: Area of countryside for public recreation (eg Bedfont Lakes Country Park)
- Nature reserve, common or woodland: Areas intended for wildlife conservation, biodiversity and environmental education and awareness
- Play area for young children: Areas designed for play and social interaction containing play equipment (ie swings, slides etc). Often intended for supervised play
- Teenage provision: Play facilities aimed at older children such multi-use games areas, skateboard areas and BMX tracks. Often intended for unsupervised play
- General amenity greenspace: Grassed areas providing opportunities for informal activities close to home or work
- Allotments and community schemes: Opportunities for people to grow their own produce as part of the long term promotion of sustainability, health and social inclusion
- Cemeteries and churchyards: Quiet contemplation areas, which are often linked to the promotion of wildlife conservation and biodiversity
- Civic spaces, war memorials: Market squares, war memorials and other hard surfaced areas designed for pedestrians and which often provide a setting for civic buildings, public demonstrations and community events
- Outdoor networks (eg cycleways, footpaths, bridleways): Areas or routes for walking, cycling or horse riding, whether for leisure purposes or travel, which also help attract wildlife
This survey forms part of an Open Space Study which will help to examine the quantity, quality and accessibility to different types of public green space. It will serve as a key evidence base that will inform future strategic planning and decision-making processes.
It asks what types of green space do you visit and why; what transport do you use to get there and how long will you travel; what do you think of the availability and quality of green space and how to improve it. There is a free flow comment box.
Complete Hounslow Green Space Survey
A separate survey is available for children to complete so they can also give their thoughts on green spaces and play provision.
Hounslow Children's Green Space Survey
This consultation closes on Monday 30th July.
July 10, 2018