Proposal to Relocate 235 Bus Stand |
Buses to stand outside Great West Quarter
The saga of ongoing problems with 235 bus not be able to access its bus stand within the Great West Quarter could be at an end. The proposal is that the 235 bus route would terminate at the stop immediately north of Baltic Avenue (stop ref: BT), turn using the roundabout on the A4 and then stand on the proposed stand facility outside GWQ. The bus stand would also act as the first bus stop on the southbound route. The following changes are required:
Download the full size plan (pdf). Hounslow Traffic told BrentfordTW8 that the tree would be replaced elsewhere in the ward and that the GWQ development would be paying for the new stand. The consultation closes on 25 October 2016. If requested by ward councillors the matter may be referred to the Isleworth & Brentford Area Forum for further consideration. If you would like to provide feedback or if you require further information, please contact
October 5, 2016 |