Boston Manor Road to be upgraded
Further to last year's consultation on road layout on Boston Manor Road in order to improve cycle facilities a revised proposal is now being consulted on.
The proposal include:
Two way segregated cycle facility
3.0m wide, two way segregated cycle track on the western side of Boston Manor Road;
Cycle track separated from the general traffic lanes typically by a narrow kerbed island, typically 0.5m in width or via a built out footway in sections;
Bus stops to be moved into general traffic lanes, to improve passenger accessibility and reduce existing length of bus stops
Cycle bypass of Swyncombe Avenue roundabout;
‘Switch-over’ facility to be designed at the signalised GlaxoSmithKline junction, to allow cyclists to safely cross junction;
Parking provision
A parking survey has shown that peak parking levels occur on a Saturday. The revised proposals show most parking spaces retained with an overall loss of 4 spaces. The survey demonstrates that the proposed amount of bays would cater for peak parking demand.

North Section – key proposed changes to parking
Existing parking bays will be relocated to outside the proposed cycle track.
Removal of parking bays near to Boston Manor station (approx. 5 spaces).
Creation of 11 additional parking bay on eastern side

South Section -– key proposed changes to parking
Retain the existing southbound bus lane including the off peak parking bays within it.
Retain all parking bays on the eastern side.
Parking bays to be removed on the western side of the road, between No.66 Boston Manor Road and The Ride (approx. 11 spaces) to be replaced with double yellow lines to ensure traffic flow.
The existing residents parking permit scheme is also currently being reviewed, together with the possible inclusion of Boston Gardens and Swyncombe Avenue. Details and consultation documents are also available on the Council’s consultations webpage .
Download full details from Hounslow's website. Comments must be submitted by June 3rd.
May 23, 2016