Lionel Primary School Restrictions Set To Begin |
Camera enforcement on Carville Crescent and Crowther Avenue
Hounslow Council has published its official notice of its intention to implement a school streets programme at Lionel Primary School The Order introduces restrictions on motor vehicles, except permit holders, entering a section of Carville Crescent and Crowther Avenue, Brentford in the vicinity of Lionel Primary School during school term-time drop-off and pick-up times. It is dated 28 October 2020 and the Council can begin enforcement of the scheme seven days after publication which means it will come into effect on 5 November. The restrictions will be enforced by ANPR cameras at two sites in the vicinity of the school. Information relating to permit holder eligibility can be found online at The restricted areas are Carville Crescent between Nos.36/38 and Nos.132a.132b Carville Crescent and Crowther Avenue between its junction with Carville Crescent and Brentwick Gardens. The restrictions will operate 8.15am to 9.15am and 2.45pm to 3.45pm Mondays to Fridays during term time. Any person desiring to object to scheme may, within six months of the Orders coming into operation, send a statement in writing of the objection and the grounds on which it is made to the Assistant Director for Transport, Parking and Environmental Strategy, Hounslow House, 7 Bath Road, Hounslow TW3 3EB or by email quoting the reference TMO/E045/20. The council has made the decision to introduce on an experimental basis restrictions on motor vehicles accessing a number of roads within the borough as part of its School Streets programme. The School Street concept is aimed at tackling problems associated with traffic around schools at drop-off and pick-up times, notably road safety concerns, poor air quality, and inconvenience to residents. These measures are initially being introduced on an experimental basis for a period between 6-18 months to allow the assessment of any impact the access restrictions might have on the area and surrounding roads, and to revise the scheme if necessary within that time. The Council says a review will be carried out later to assess their effectiveness and whether the timed access restrictions should be made permanent.
October 30, 2020 |