Brentford High Street McDonalds Seeks Later Opening |
Fast food drive-thru now wants to trade until 2am
An application has been submitted to Hounslow Council by the McDonald’s restaurant in Brentford for extended opening hours. At the moment the drive-thru restaurant at 322 High Street opposite The Watermans opens from 5am to midnight but now wants a variation of existing planning permission which would allow it to open until 2am seven days a week. The fast food outlet originally operated with shorter opening hours when it resumed after lockdown. When it was built on the site of the Red Lion pub in 1996, it had permission to trade until 11pm but this was extended to midnight in 2012. A statement issued with the application claims that the nearest residential property to the site is 12 metres away and will already be affected by road traffic noise. It adds, “Based on experiences of other restaurants within the group, the bulk of the custom during the late-night hours will be drawn from passing trade rather than drawing people into the area. On the basis that these vehicles will 3 already be on the local highway network, the proposal will not result in an increase in vehicular traffic or noise associated with movements. Furthermore, a high proportion of customers who use the restaurant during night time hours are often taxis, shift workers, delivery vehicles and emergency service crews, none of whom are prone to causing anti-social behaviour or significant noise. In this regard, the proposed development is self-regulating and therefore the restaurant does not anticipate any unacceptable impact as a result of the extended hours.” The application for the new hours can be view on the Hounslow Council planning portal by searching for reference P/2022/0756.
March 11, 2022 |