Plan to remain in landmark building at least until end of next year

Sign now gone from GSK House in Brentford. Picture: Mike Abbott
There has been a significant change to the Brentford skyline recently with the removal of company branding from the landmark GSK House.
The building on the Great West Road next to the elevated section of the M4 has had the global pharmaceutical company’s name on it since it opened more that 20 years ago. However, the company has said that taking down the sign does not mean that it has vacated the building.
A Brentford-based spokesperson for GSK said, “Following separation, GSK will move to a new UK headquarters. The company will identify an appropriate site that meets the needs of the new organisation, with the search based in the same area as GSK’s current headquarters, maintaining access to the UK’s world-leading science and innovation hubs; GSK will provide a further update on its new headquarters in mid-2022, and expects to remain at the company’s current headquarters, at GSK House in Brentford, until at least the end of 2023.”
It is understood that the removal of the sign may indicate that a sale of GSK House is due to be announced. The company revealed its intention to sell last October when it announced a £70 billion break up plan that would result in two separate divisions being listed on the London Stock Exchange.

GSK's headquarters in Brentford before sign was removed. Picture: Maxwell Hamilton
800 staff who were working for the consumer healthcare division in Brentford are being moved to a new office development in Weybridge. This part of the company is responsible for brands such as Sensodyne, Aquafresh, Nicorette and Panadol.
At the time of the announcement of the break up, there were 3,500 other staff working for the pharmaceuticals side of the business and in drug research. These are likely to remain at GSK House until new premises are found.
GSK House was opened in 2002 by Tony Blair after the company spent £315 million on its construction.
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May 13, 2022