Labour make a clean sweep in all the wards in the area

Some of the new local councillors. From top left clockwise: Lara Parizotto, Unsa Kausar Chaudri, Dan Bowring, Rhys Williams, Marina Cheri Sharma, Aftab Siddiqui
The Labour Party, as widely expected, won all the seats in the Brentford & Isleworth area in the council elections held on 5 May.
In Brentford East ward Labour comfortably won the new two seat ward with Rhys Williams and Marina Sharma getting over half of the votes cast. Initially the Hounslow Council web site reported that turnout in this ward was just 19% but this figure was later corrected to 28.5%.
In Brentford West, another new two seat ward, Labour also won easily with Guy Lambert topping the poll followed by Lara Parizotto. There was a strong performance from the Green candidate Stephen Clark who managed to collect 669 votes in third.
However, turnout was also poor in the new Syon & Brentford Lock ward with less than a quarter of the electorate voting. Former Labour cabinet member Theo Dennison, who was standing as an independent came fourth in the poll more than 200 votes behind the Labour candidate Balraj Sarai with Katherine Dunne topping the poll. Anthony Agius came fourth finishing ahead of both the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats.
The Conservatives failed to make much of a dent in Osterley and Spring Grove ward despite having high hopes at the start of the campaign. Veteran councillor Tony Louki topped the poll, perhaps benefitting from his outspoken opposition to the Tesco/Homebase development proposals.
Isleworth remained solidly Labour with the Conservatives languishing behind the Greens and Lib Dems.
The Labour Party remains in overall control of Hounslow Council, with 52 Councillors, out of a total of 62 seats in 22 wards. The Conservative party won 10 seats hanging onto all but one of the seats they already held and gaining councillors in Feltham North and Hanworth Village.
Stephen Clark of the Green Party said “Many thanks to all the people who voted Green. On the doorsteps the voters told us they liked our plans to green Hounslow and listen to the electorate.
“The unfair ‘first past the post’ system favours Labour and the Tories. If a fairer system was used Hounslow Council would benefit from green voices in the Council Chamber. The Council would be more representative, and its decision-making would be better.”
The overall turnout for the election was 33.6%. Returning Officer, and Chief Executive of Hounslow Council, Niall Bolger, said, “Thank you to everyone who voted. Local elections are one of the most important parts of local democracy. It’s vital that as many people as possible have had their say on how they would like decisions to be made over the coming four years.
“My thanks go to all those involved in canvassing, staffing polling stations and working overnight at the count. I look forward to working with the members old and new, that make up the new administration.”
Brentford East Ward Result
Name |
Party |
Votes |
% |
Elected |
Labour |
1,058 |
- |
Yes |
Marina Cheri |
Labour |
994 |
- |
Yes |
HEARN Thomas Samuel |
Conservative |
314 |
- |
SUMMERSGILL Freya Caroline |
Green Party |
312 |
- |
Paul Anthony |
Conservative |
271 |
- |
Turnout: 19% |
Brentford West Ward Result
Name |
Party |
Votes |
% |
Elected |
Labour |
1,183 |
- |
Yes |
Lara |
Labour |
1,119 |
- |
Yes |
CLARK Stephen Paul |
Green Party |
669 |
- |
DENNISS Michael James Annear |
Conservative |
410 |
- |
Zoe Louise |
Conservative |
392 |
- |
Tony |
Green Party |
367 |
- |
Bob |
Independent |
226 |
- |
Total: 36.06% |
Syon and Brentford Lock Ward Result
Name |
Party |
Votes |
% |
Elected |
Katherine Sarah |
Labour |
1,463 |
- |
Yes |
Dan |
Labour |
1,368 |
- |
Yes |
Balraj |
Labour |
1,080 |
- |
Yes |
DENNISON Theo Christopher |
Independent |
822 |
- |
AGIUS Anthony William John |
Green Party |
625 |
- |
Adam |
Conservative |
573 |
- |
Chaitan |
Conservative |
542 |
- |
VAN DER ESCH Phyllis Ann |
Liberal Democrats |
391 |
- |
GILLIE Christopher Darsie |
Liberal Democrats |
363 |
- |
Jack Piers |
Liberal Democrats |
314 |
- |
Turnout: 23% |
Isleworth Ward Result
Name |
Party |
Votes |
% |
Elected |
Labour |
2,124 |
- |
Yes |
SHAHEEN Salman Haroun |
Labour |
1,832 |
- |
Yes |
John Robert |
Labour |
1,672 |
- |
Yes |
THORPE Robert Campbell |
Liberal Democrats |
855 |
- |
David Peter Faure |
Green Party |
697 |
- |
BOURKE Joseph Gerald |
Liberal Democrats |
669 |
- |
Conservative |
622 |
- |
Muhammad Umar |
Conservative |
606 |
- |
Khalid Omar |
Conservative |
593 |
- |
Total: 36.47% |
Osterley and Spring Grove Ward Result
Name |
Party |
Votes |
% |
Elected |
LOUKI Tony |
Labour |
2,116 |
- |
Yes |
CHAUDRI Unsa Kausar |
Labour |
1,751 |
- |
Yes |
Aftab |
Labour |
1,640 |
- |
Yes |
HARCOURT Jason Dylan Willoughby |
Conservative |
1,105 |
- |
Sukhy |
Conservative |
1,048 |
- |
SINGH Maneesh |
Conservative |
982 |
- |
WAHAB Rashid |
Green Party |
566 |
- |
Liberal Democrats |
565 |
- |
Total: 34% |
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May 13, 2022