Principal sends letter to parents warning of series of attacks

Picture: Nishkam School
The principal of Nishkam School in Isleworth has written to parents informing them of a series attacks on pupils at the school.
The letter was sent the day after a 13-year-old pupil at the school was taken to hospital with serious facial injuries. His injuries have been confirmed confirmed not to be life threatening.
The police say they were called to Wood Lane at approximately 4.41pm on Monday, 29 March following reports of an assault.
A teenage boy was arrested on suspicion of grievous bodily harm. He was taken to a west London police and has been bailed from custody until a date in April.
The school principal, Mr T Cragg, confirmed there were further incidents the following afternoon (30 March). He wrote, “Secondary pupils at other local schools have also been victims of similar attacks over the past few days, which seem to centre around the same group of young people.”
Initially he described them as hate crime attacks but it is understood further information has come to light since the first reports and they are no longer being considered as such by the Metropolitan Police.
A Section 35 dispersal order was issued in the Isleworth area on 31 March. This gave the police extra powers to remove people from the area to reduce the likelihood of harassment or the occurrence of crime or disorder in the area.
The school says that the police agreed to provide an extra presence in the area the incidents took place. Officers are also going to be coming to the school to work with pupils in Key Stages 2 and 3 on hate crime. Assurances have been offered to parents that all pupils will be able to travel to and from school safely.
The Nishkam School Trust is a part of a group of academy schools with a ‘Sikh ethos, multi-faith, virtues-led’ approach to education.
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April 4, 2021