Five year battle over property in Osterley ends with a large fine

Former BT station which was illegally converted into a self-contained unit
A landlord who illegally rented out a converted British Telecom station in Osterley has been ordered to pay fines of over £20,000 after a five year battle with Hounslow Council’s planning enforcement team.
The Council took court action against Riaz Virani and some of his named businesses after he was found to be renting out the BT station, located along an alleyway between Great West Road and Spencer Road, Osterley. It was purchased in 2006 by Virani under his company names Delightful Properties Limited and Lower Richmond Properties Limited.
Following complaints from neighbours, council planning enforcement officers visited the site in 2013. The building was found to be converted into a self-contained unit. A planning enforcement notice was issued demanding the 38-year-old stop using the premises in this way.
Undeterred, Virani attempted to gain retrospective planning permission and submitted a number of failed applications.
Planning enforcement officers again wrote to Virani requesting he cease renting out the property. Mr Virani ignored their request and rent out the building. He was subsequently summonsed to Isleworth Crown Court in 2017.
After an eventual guilty plea, Virani and his companies were advised by the council’s legal team that they would be looking to claw back money which had been illegally obtained.
In January 2018, Virani was again summonsed to Isleworth Crown Court and ordered to pay the following penalties:
• Confiscation proceedings under the Proceeds of Crime Act (2002): £10,000
• Virani’s companies, Delightful Properties Limited and Lower Richmond Properties Limited: collectively fined £6,000
• Riaz Virani: fined £3,300
• Legal costs: £1,277
• Victim surcharge: £170
A Hounslow Council spokesperson said,“This blatant disregard of planning rules and regulations has seen this man fined and a significant proportion of his gains recouped – and rightly so.
“We will always investigate residents’ complaints and take the strongest possible action we can to ensure those who think they can line their pockets illegally are made to pay the price.”
March 22, 2018