Brentford Residents Urged To Participate in Town Centre Survey |
Consultation will help shape the future of the area
The quest to draw up a draft vision for the future of Brentford town centre continues with Hounslow Council launching another town survey. Brentford Voice believes it is an important consultation for residents to participate in at that it has been underpublicised. For the first survey held earlier just over 100 residents participated compared to over 1,000 for the equivalent survey in Chiswick. The aim is to ‘reimagine’ the future of the area and seek opportunities to increase domestic tourism, improve the variety of local offerings, support businesses and deliver more housing. In addition the survey will be looking for ways to adapt to or mitigate climate change, prioritise sustainable transport and work through partnerships and collaboration with community stakeholders. Jim Storrar of Brentford Voice said, “This is an extremely important document for the future of our community. We would encourage you to have a look and to respond to the consultation.” Brentford Voice is seeking to organise a virtual community "conversation" about the Draft Vision. The council is carrying out a public consultation on Draft Visions for the four town centres, including Brentford, in the Borough. Participate in the consultation.
February 26, 2021 |