Brentford Voice want to hear your views on the future of the event

Brentford on market day. Picture: Brentford Voice
August 17, 2023
Brentford Voice has been told by the organiser of the Sunday Brentford Market that she has decided to move on.
Deboarh Ovenden has been running the popular event for many years and it was a constant in an area that was undergoing huge change providing an opportunity for the community to come together once a month.
Brentford Voice wants the market to continue and is seeking the views of local people on the kind of event they would like to see in the future.
It says, “There is now an opportunity to recreate the market, however the market should serve and provide our local community (and beyond) with an offering that possibly fulfils the shortfalls of our present High Street. To do this we need to fully understand what it is that would be required to make our new market successful, vibrant and to reinvigorate the Market Place.
“The market and Market Place are both key elements to the future of Brentford, as such it is right and proper that our community has a say in shaping both. There are wider issues to address with Market Place, therefore in the interim we would like to set wheels in motion to establish exactly what form and shape the market should take. To do this Brentford Voice would like to hear your thoughts and responses to a few questions below.”
Would you like to see a market operate in Market place on one Sunday a month?
‘’If you answered yes or maybe what type of market would you like to see? -
1. Arts based
2. Food based
3. A mixed general market
4. Eco/sustainability
5. Other – please specify’’
What other regular features would you like to see at the Market?
1. Music
2. A community stall
3. Bike maintenance checks
4. A Hounslow Council stall
Are you more likely to visit Brentford High St when there is a market on?
1. Yes
2. No
Do you think that overall a regular monthly market would be good for Brentford and its local retail business?
1. Yes
2. No
Brentford Voice hopes that, if the market is successful, it would provide a platform to establish the High Street as a town centre with the Market Place as a hub ‘not just a through route and bus stop on the way to Hounslow’.
You can send your thoughts and responses to and share this with your friends and neighbours.
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