May 2022 is National Local and Community History Month

Traffic jams form part of the history of the Brentford area. Picture: Brentford Voice
Brentford Voice, working with Brentford & Chiswick Local History Society, are organising a series of events in May to celebrate Brentford's rich heritage.
The initiative has also had the support of a range of local groups and individuals including Brentford Thru My Lens, the Musical Museum, the Thomas Layton Trust, LB Hounslow Library service, and Brentford Dock residents.
May 2022 is National Local and Community History Month. The aim of the month is to increase awareness of local history, promote history in general to the local community, and encourage all members of the community to participate.
Some may have already noticed a collection of bright yellow A4 posters which have appeared around the town, particularly in the High Street. There are about 180 of these posters and it is hoped that they will be of interest in drawing attention to the history of both remaining buildings and those that have been lost. A special vote of thanks goes to the occupiers of land and buildings for agreeing to display the posters.
Brentford Dock residents have two talks in the diary. The talks will be given in the Residents' clubroom at Brentford Dock. These will be open to non-residents and free of charge. Further details are here.
Other events planned include the general release of a video of the interior of St. Lawrence's Church commissioned by the Museum of London Archaeology and Ballymore.
Further events are to be organised at the Musical Museum and at Brentford Library and we will keep you updated as they are announced.
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April 29, 2022