A chance to have your say on your views on the area's future

Huge amount of new homes being built in the Brentford area
A 'Local Conversation' To Follow Brentford Voice AGM
A chance to have your say on your views on the area’s future
A ‘Local Conversation’ To Follow Brentford Voice AGM
A chance to have your say on your views on the area’s future
This year’s Brentford Voice Annual General Meeting is to be followed by a community listening exercise in which residents will have a chance to have their say about the future of the area.
The formal business of the AGM starts at 7.30pm on Thursday 28 October at Studio 1, Watermans Art Centre (TW8 0DS).
The agenda for the meeting is available here and the Treasurer’s report is here.
It was not possible to hold and AGM last year due to Covid-19 restrictions.
It is hoped that his section of the meeting will not take more than half an hour and ‘a Local Conversation’ can begin and the event is expected to end at 9.30pm.
If you’ve received its Autumn Newsletter titled THE CHANGING FACE OF BRENTFORD, and if you are concerned about the changes that are happening and coming to Brentford, and most importantly want to have a say on the future of where you live, Brentford Voice would very much like to hear your thoughts.
Brentford Voice says, “As much as this is a local conversation it’s very much a ‘listening’ conversation, so do please come along as the future of our community belongs to all of us and we do want to listen to you.
“If you have a specific topic you wish to raise do please let us know in advance so we can create a structure for the meeting.
“We are limited to numbers because of Covid restrictions, so if you do want to join us could you please email confirming your intention to attend in advance so we can manage this event safely for everyone. Please email info@brentfordvoice.co.uk
“Watermans has asked us to remind you that they have a restaurant and bar for use both before and after the meeting.”
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October 22, 2021