GP based at centre says team has worked 'extremely hard' to meet concerns

Brentford Health Centre where the Albany Practice is based. Picture: Google Streetview
An updated report has been issued on the Albany Practice in Brentford which acknowledges a range of improvements since it was put in special measures.
Inspectors from the Care Quality Commission visited its base at the Brentford Health Centre this April and published their findings on 8 June. Previously the practice had been rated as ‘Inadequate’ following inspections held in 2020 but it has now been rated as ‘Requires Improvement’ in the latest report with a ‘Good’ Rating for leadership and safety.
Chief inspector, Dr Rosie Benneyworth said in her report, “The practice had implemented a detailed action plan and made significant progress to address many of the concerns identified at our previous inspection. The practice provided care in a way that kept patients safe and protected them from avoidable harm.”
One of the GP principals at the Albany Practice in Brentford has offered reassurances to patients registered with them that the best possible care is being given. Dr Monica Bath says that significant steps have already been taken to meet the concerns that were raised.
She said, “I would like to start by saying, as you can imagine, the past 18 months during the pandemic, has been a very difficult and trying period for primary care across the length and breadth of the UK. Despite this, all the staff at the Albany Practice, both clinical and administrative, have worked extremely hard to strive to deliver the best possible care to all our patients.”
An improving trajectory for the practice effectively rules out any possibility of closure as this is a step that would only be taken if there was a second inadequate inspection. It has now been removed from special measures.
Dr Bath also disputes the claim in the original report that the practice did not have a proper process for complaint management saying that The Albany Practice has a long and well-established procedure for the management of complaints and that up-to-date staff training and recruitment checks are. In particular, she says all clinical staff are fully trained, appraised regularly and provide safe, evidence-based practice to all patients.
She added, “We always have been and remain a Practice that responds to and takes very seriously, any patient feedback we receive. That may be from our Patient Participation Group, patient surveys, on-line forums, complaints or face-to-face consultations. For example, in response to patient feedback, our telephony infrastructure has recently been upgraded, to allow for better and timely management of incoming patient calls. You may also wish to look at recent patient reviews of the Practice, which are very positive and supportive of all the improvements that the Practice has implemented.”
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June 11, 2021