Glowing report for Brentford School for Girls OFSTED report congratulates school on many good features Brentford School for Girls has been described as a 'good school with many good features' in the latest OFSTED report.
The report congratulated the school on its excellent inclusion of pupils into all parts of the life of the school and noted the very good standard of English and mathematics teaching and the excellence of the drama teaching. The report also noted the contribution made by Headteacher Sue Higgins since her appointment four years ago in dealing with the challenges arising from the higher than usual number of pupils moving in and out of the area and the numbers without English as a first language. The OFSTED inspectors visited the school in early October and also noted that pupils' personal qualities, particularly their spiritual, social, moral and cultural development was well nurtured. School leadership and governance was also described as good. Concern was raised over the standard of physical education and the poor use, in some lessons, of information technology.
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