Idea is to place it on the new nine storey car park building

A visualisation of how the sign might look. Picture: John Dale
A petition has been started to gain support for the idea of moving the landmark Lucozade sign that used to sit beside the A4/M4 at Brentford back to the area.
John Dale, who started the petition, wants it to be placed on the side of the new car park building on the High Street. Developers Ballymore believe a mural will reduce the negative impact of the building but John is proposing a more radical solution.
John who runs the Brentford Today & TV/Facebook group says, “It was Brentford's most famous landmark – the Lucozade sign which sat alongside the Golden Mile's A4 and M4. Now it lies in a museum. Let's raise it from the dead it and restore it to its full glory for all the world to admire again. It's more than an advert, it's a work of art, part of Brentford's culture.
“As the town centre is redeveloped, the constructors Ballymore say they want to use Brentford's history to turn it into a cultural hub. Here's their chance! They can restore the town's most iconic image – and at the same time give more of a role to the nine-storey car park they've built on the High Street. They want the car park to be a "gateway". The Lucozade sign really was a gateway, a brilliant one seen by millions, perhaps billions. And now it can be a gateway again.”
He believes that bringing the sign back to Brentford would attract national and even global media attention to the redevelopment of the town adding, “ Brentford needs a big, bold imaginative gesture. This is it.”
He accepts that it may not be possible to bring back the original sign but says it the identifying message of welcome to Brentford that really counts.

Dock Road car park. Picture: Ballymore
This petition is addressed to Ballymore and Hounslow Borough Council.
To sign the petition click here - there were 18 signatures at the time of writing.
We have contacted Ballymore for comment.
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March 19, 2021