Proposal for a six month "temporary" Car Park
BSkyB is currently undergoing major investment with new buildings being built to consolidate its operations on the Osterley site.
There will be a new car park on the site, but in the meantime the development has caused a loss of car parking space.

BSkyB are therefore proposing to use a temporary car park, until 23/12/2015 for 120 car spaces on Boston Manor Park, underneath the M4 flyover (a site well known for its various appearances in C4's Misfits, amongst other films).
The area would have its own security and manual barrier and be open 7am-8pm, Monday to Friday, using the existing entrance to Boston Manor Park.
There will be a shuttle service between BSkyB Osterley Campus and the car park.
Sky's Transport Statement suggests the car park will be busiest at times other than Boston Manor Park's busy weekends so there will be little conflict.
Friends of Boston Manor opposed a previous version of this application last year for 300 cars with the views that
- "The group and park users had already rejected the idea of GSK taking this space when requested in 2009-2011.
- It may be temporary but it would set a precedence and could then so easily become permanent.
- A car park under the flyover would divide the park.
- There would be additional danger to park users, in particular with increased traffic coming in and out.
- The land is Highways/TFL and should not be for Hounslow to agree.
- The film company, who already receive an income for using the flyover would have their revenue reduced".
They still agree with these reasons, with the addition that
- "Under the flyover has had some long term usage over the past three months which confirm our original thoughts. Parking by a film crew for approximately 4 weeks added to the danger for park users because even though it was stewarded there were regular mini buses coming in and out, and cars travelling at great speed not only under the flyover but once they exited into the car park and the park. Signs were put up restricting the speed limit to 5 mph but this was ignored by many. This meant that dog walkers and young people and families coming up from the canal had to meet with fast moving traffic which they had no choice but to walk in front of.
- As a presence in the park the Friends of Boston Manor were regularly asked by park users during February to April what was happening . Concern was not only that it appeared to have been turned into a car park but asked why with commuter parking in the existing car park they could still not use the park easily in the week. The current arrangements and the proposal are of no benefit to the park whatsoever".
This planning application is still open for comments.
To find a planning application, visit Hounslow Planning; tick acceptance of T&Cs before pressing continue; on next page click on "search planning applications"; then enter either planning no or system no, in this case 00133/AX/P1 in planning no.
May 1, 2015