Pending Planning Applications in TW7 and TW8

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The Council has received applications for development in the Brentford and Isleworth area at the sites below. You can look up the application and any supporting plans at through the Planning pages of the Council’s web and then entering the planning number.

Pending Decisions List Week 11: 13th March 2015 TO 20th March

Minor & Householder Applications to be recommended for REFUSAL

Item Address Ward Ref. No. Case officer details

1 Flat 58, Regatta Point, 38 Kew Bridge Road, Brentford, TW8 0EB
Proposal Erection of a part single part two storey side extension with a balcony and front conservatory No. of submissions: 1 Summary of likely reasons for refusal - The two storey side extension would result in loss of light and create a sense of enclosure to the most easterly ground floor unit in the neighbouring development (Kewside/ formerly Autobar House – Notting Hill Housing Group) currently under construction to the rear. This would lead to an unacceptable decline in amenity for future residents Outcome Breaches of Planning Control where Enforcement is to be undertaken

10A Thornbury Road, Isleworth, TW7 7HG
Osterley and Spring Grove
Breach Construction of replacement metal roof, construction of an unauthorised canopy extension and construction of unauthorised car port extension

Pending Decisions List Week 10: 6-13th Mar 2015 in TW7/TW8:

Minor & Householder Applications to be recommended for REFUSAL

Land adjacent to Block A, Paragon Site, Boston Manor Road, Brentford TW8
01217/C/P42 & 01217/C/AD7
Erection of a four-storey office building including soft and hard landscaping and parking AND Erection of an internally illuminated digital freestanding advertisement structure
No. of submissions:1
Summary of likely reasons for refusal
- The proposed building would be harmful to the adjoining residents due to loss of outlook and daylight.
- Owing to its siting, design and size, and illumination, the proposed advertisement structure would be harmful to the amenity of the area as it would adversely affect the townscape, and the setting of a nearby listed building

Land Between 57-59 Mogden Lane, Isleworth
Isleworth 00768/Q/P1
Erection of a three storey building providing five self-contained flats with associated car parking, bicycle storage and refuse storage
No. of submissions:7
Summary of likely reasons for refusal
- Significant lack of amenity space that would detrimentally affect the living conditions of the future occupants of the site.
- The building would be of a size, scale and design that would dominate the site and appear overly large in the street scene
- The scale of the rear projections would result in a development that would be overbearing to the neighbouring properties and cause an unacceptable sense of enclosure

9 Carville Crescent, Brentford, TW8 9RB
Brentford 00209/9/P1
Erection of a single storey rear extension to the house
Summary of likely reasons for refusal
- The proposed extension has an inappropriate design that is excessive in size and would cause harm to the character and appearance of the area and existing property contrary to the Residential Extension Guidelines

657 Great West Road, Isleworth, TW7 4PT
Osterley and Spring Grove 00505/657/P3
Erection of a single storey rear extension
Summary of likely reasons for refusal
- The proposed extension would be excessive in size and would cause harm to the character and appearance of the area and Spring Grove Conservation Area contrary to the Residential Extension Guidelines.

19 Enfield Road, TW8 9NY
Brentford 00409/19/P1
Erection of a single storey rear infill extension to the house
Summary of likely reasons for refusal
- Proposal is a wraparound extension, 2.4m high along the boundary and 5.7m deep, this is not in accordance with the Council’s guidelines and would harm neighbours living conditions

Minor & Householder Applications to be recommended for Approval with objections

Market Building, 191-195 High Street, Brentford, TW8 8EJ
Syon 00607/191-195/P1
Erection of a fourth storey to provide eight flats, replacement of windows, erection of 36 balconies to the first and second floor elevations, rendering and green wall sections to existing elevations and extension of canopy to the main entrance
No. of submissions:8
Summary of objections
- Overlooking resulting in a loss of privacy, overshadowing and loss of light, overbearing presence
- Increase in noise and disturbance
- Out of character with the area
- Road safety issues, especially with regards to the refuse collection
- Lack of parking will result in significant parking issues
- Inappropriate to use occupied buildings for residential when there are vacant properties nearby
- Signage is ugly and obtrusive
- Concerns over the maintenance of the green walls
Summary of reasons for approval
- The proposal would be similar in scale to the approved application ref. 00607/K/P5 on the same site, and is considered to be of an appropriate design for the area. Set offs and parapet walls have been included to mitigate against any overlooking or loss of privacy to the nearby residential units, and it is not considered that there would be any unacceptable increase in overlooking as a result of the proposal
- The refuse collection is considered to be appropriate and there are not considered to be any unacceptable road safety issues
- No parking would be provided, however the site is located in an area with a good PTAL rating, and is within the Butts CPZ. A parking survey shows that there is space nearby for any overspill parking. It is not considered that the development would result in any unacceptable increase in parking.
- Green walls would be artificial and would therefore require little maintenance.
- All units would comply with London Plan space standards and would provide acceptable outlook and light to the properties.

Gunnersbury Park Museum, Gunnersbury Park, Chiswick W3 8LQ
Brentford 00885/C/S3
Variation of condition 3 (approved plans) to allow a smaller footprint of the new buildings of planning permission 00885/C/S2 dated 29/05/2014 for the demolition and removal of the existing cafe and public toilets and the formation of a new cafe and carriage display building, including public toilets
No. of submissions: 3
Summary of objections
- Children’s playground area should be landscaped
- Viewing area for carriages has been reduced in size to the previous application
- A number of non-planning issues were raised relating to the cost of the works and whether the building would be used
Summary of reasons for approval
- The proposed building was considered acceptable in the previous application and the reduced footprint would reduce the impact on existing trees to the north. Therefore the application would continue to preserve and enhance the Gunnersbury Park Conservation Area and this historic park.

Large applications will be held on paper at Brentford Library.

This Pending list includes planning applications recommended for approval which have objections, planning applications recommended for refusal, major applications, and cases where enforcement action is proposed.

If anyone is unhappy with the officer recommendation, or wants it given an airing at Area Forum, then they have to contact a councillor to ask for them to refer it to Area Forum. The councillor will assess whether they agree with this, and then either refers it to their Area Forum, or does not.

The lists are published weekly, on a Friday. If, after 7 days, the planning department receive no response, then the decision is made under delegated powers. If referred by a member, it then goes to an Area Forum. The member that referred it presents it to the Forum, and the Forum then decide whether to refer it up to Planning Committee for decision, or back to officers for decision.

These do not include all applications as yet undecided.

March 12, 2015

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